The Skincare Minimalist Routine Explained

Slept through all five of your alarms? Too tired or rushed to put in extra effort? Let’s face it, oftentimes skincare routines are the last thing on the list of morning to-dos. Applying a few skincare products daily can be easily forgotten or dismissed, especially if it’s not habitual. Add the intimidation factor to the mix and any trace of skincare efforts diminish. 

Skincare should not be feared or considered a chore, but rather a rejuvenating ritual that centers you and starts your day off strong. For all of the time-sensitive, on-the-go, and simple skincare enthusiasts, we have put together a 4-step minimalist skincare routine. This compact and effortless regimen delivers the same beautiful results as our 8-step routine with less products so you can feel confident in your skin. Keep reading, your small but mighty skincare routine awaits. 

Batch Beauty Lab Inc. Skincare Minimalist Routine Explained

The Order of Skincare Made Simple:


Products apply the best to clean skin. Remove any impurities, makeup, or pollutants with a cleanser targeted at your individual skin needs. 

We suggest a gentle foaming cleanser that gets the job done without ridding your skin of its natural protective qualities. For ultra sensitive skin, select a lightweight facial oil for an oil cleansing experience nourishing the skin unlike any other.


Staying hydrated is equally important to our skin as it is to our body. Moisturizing is a must after any type of cleansing to help your skin maintain its soft, supple complexion. Replenishing your skin’s moisture works actively to keep a healthy barrier that will combat troubled skin.

Face Oil 

Seal in your skincare with a nourishing and hydrating facial oil for maximum benefits. Protective and purifying principles make facial oils excellent for leaving you with a noticeable glow, and not in a greasy way. 

Take a moment to be with yourself as you gently massage the product into your skin. Leave the rest up to the oil!

Batch Beauty Lab Nourish Hydrate Base 001 Facial Oil

Pro tip: To speed up the application process, you may combine your moisturizer and facial oil. With the desired amount of moisturizer in hand, add a few drops of facial oil. Gently combine between your palms before applying on your face.

SPF Sunscreen 

No skincare routine is complete without SPF sunscreen! Apply a generous, even layer all over your face, ears, and décolletage. Ultraviolet rays are always out to play, regardless of the season. Preserve your skin’s youthful and smooth appearance 365 days a year with the support of SPF. 

Pro tip: When looking for the perfect moisturizer for your skin, consider purchasing a product that has SPF. Combining your moisturizer with sunscreen will remove one step from your minimalist routine.

Are you a skincare minimalist or maximalist? Comment below, we’d love to know!

Written By: Sarah Pasquini

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